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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

California: A Socialist Petri Dish


       Zeno Potas

      In recent years, we’ve been hearing more and more about the problem of wealth inequality in America. To hear the liberal Democrats explain the problem, Republicans want to steal from the poor and middle class and give that money to the rich. To reach the goal of Socialist Communism, this is exactly the leftist way to accomplish that goal, so why are they blaming the Republicans and the right for doing this?

      This is a smoke and mirror tactic right out of the playbook of Saul Alinsky. Alinsky was a radical Marxist strategist and community organizer. His leading "weapons" were weapons of mass distraction, misinformation, radical protest and blaming the other guy for whatever you (the liberal politician or activist) are guilty of. Alinsky actually counseled radical leftists to look in the mirror and whatever you see, blame the other guy for doing or being that exact same thing. So, if you’re a crook, blame the other guy for being a crook. If you’re a corrupt politician, call your opponent a corrupt politician. If you’ve ruined the economy, blame your opponent for ruining the economy. And of course, if you’re in bed with Russia, blame the other guy for being in “collusion” with Russia. Sound familiar?

      This type of behavior is most evident in the strongholds of the coastal leftist elite and none more than in the state of California. There rests the power of media, Hollywood, and it’s hangers on. Celebrities walking goose-step in line with the Socialist agenda, either by choice or of fear for their careers if they don’t, spewing their opinions out to the world every day as if these fortunate ones are sages that have all the answers to our nations problems – and much of America listens. California, many believe, is so progressive and forward thinking with various social policies that the rest of the states will follow their lead. They have all the answers but what is the reality of their views and actions in their own backyard? If these liberal policies actually made any sort of progress correcting the various inequities that they’re alleged to do, big government utopias like California would be progressive beacons of hope for the American left – they are not. Despite having the fifth-largest economy in the world, California is one of the worst states in the nation in terms of wealth inequality. The middle class is disappearing in California as wealth gap grows. With a tax system that favors those who are already wealthy, the middle class is leaving the state in droves. California society now represents a modern feudal system of robber barons and the poor - Classic Socialism. 
      How is it “helping” it’s citizens? Despite all the wealth in the state and the Democrat control of state government, California actually ranks as the poorest state in the country after costs of living are factored in. A whopping 19 percent of Californians live below the poverty line. Californians represent a third of all Americans on welfare. The average monthly cost of rent in the state is 43 percent higher than the national average. Nearly a third of Californians spend more than half of their earnings on housing. Electricity rates burdened by green initiatives and regulation that grew 500 percent faster than the national average from 2011 to 2017.” 
      California is the fourth most unequal state in the union with so many homeless who face diseases like typhus and hepatitis which have even infected civil servants and police officers that try to assist. The number of people living on the streets in California increased by nearly 14 percent to more than 130,000 in 2017. Homelessness is so bad in the elite controlled areas that cities like San Francisco that they have an app that helps them track the massive amounts of human feces on the sidewalk. Development and construction restrictions mean that California cities are much more expensive for the poor Proposed housing and shelters for the poor have been knocked down by the rich elite who don’t want them “in our neighborhoods.”

      Some of their ideas border on the absurd. A perfect example is the recent passage of an act that will entitle free healthcare to all residents whether American citizens or not. The state will tax those who do not have health insurance to pay for the it. How does someone who does not have health insurance, most likely because they can’t afford it, pay for others to have it? It would seem that more lower and middle class people will be leaving this Socialist utopia.

      If liberal policies actually made any sort of progress correcting the various inequities that they’re alleged to do, big government utopias like California would be progressive beacons of hope for the American left. The state has long been fortunate to be the center of the booming technology sector. With the mega rich and upper class driving its economy, but California leaves the rest of its’ population behind. The Socialist elite have used the Alinsky method to perfection. With a A socio-cultural-political structure in place the individual is bombarded, to the point of psychical saturation, with self-serving, elitist manufactured media content. Members of the Hollywood left don’t want to listen, discuss, or even see a dissenting viewpoint that challenges their own comfortable echo chamber. It’s ironic that an industry that constantly talks about diversity is so judgmental, hateful and utterly rigid in its groupthink. They encourage violent removal of opposing views as they continue to demonize the other side of the political spectrum for all of the their state’s and the nation’s problems.

      Californians have become the most successfully psychologically colonized citizens on planet earth. On cue, they are prone to parrot the self-serving lies of their Leftist's cynical elite. The continuous one-sided propaganda and fear of retaliation drives the lower and middle class to blindly vote Democrat accelerating themselves towards more poverty and their own demise. There was once a time when the lower classes were Hollywood’s heroes, rebelling against the rich pompous windbags who wanted to keep them down. But that’s changed. Today’s elitists are those pompous windbags, and they are terrified of the truth that their ideas of governing have always failed and there is no utopia for the masses, only for them. They will pay any cost, fabricate any fact, and incite violence to smother any chance of rebellion of the people that they desperately want to keep quiet and submissive. This is the two class system of Socialism. Comrades of California, Saul Alinski would be proud.

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