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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Europe is Waking Up


       Philip Todd

      Since the election of Donald Trump many countries in Europe, led by Germany, have found the courage to slowly begin to pull away from the western Socialist elite. The results of the elite's encouraging the influx of foreign, mostly middle eastern peoples, into European societies has been disruptive and disastrous. With the explosion of crime, especially sex crime, many countries have pulled back on allowing any immigration of this type. This goes against the elitist attempts to impose Socialism, first in all of the west, then globally. The rise of nationalism, which their media portrays as evil, is the backlash specifically from the middle class. They are beginning to lose their grip on the hearts and minds of free thinking individuals. How were they able to pull this off in the first place. The answer is fear - the enemy - Russia.

       Over the past year, British news media have published story after story claiming Russia was about to invade Europe and start World War III. The Daily Express ran three such stories in June, July, and September of 2017 alone. It wasn’t just throw away tabloids that indulged in such reckless scaremongering. The supposedly more serious Independent ran at least two stories in May and September of that year citing top military officials claiming that nuclear war could break out within 48 hours with Russia because of the latter’s “secret” invasion plans. If British media reports were to be believed, then Europe and the whole northern hemisphere should have gone up in nuclear smoke two years ago.

      That fact that NATO chiefs, Western governments, and the dutiful news media can get away with making such accusations is a disturbing sign of collective indoctrination. The irony of Western self-declared “free and independent” politicians and media behaving like an army of robots marching to war while accusing Russia of fake news is too much for words. Use your critical analytical thinking and ask ourselves this, how we have arrived at a point where supposedly respectable outlets have created a world where Vladimir Putin has managed to become the richest man in the world (Washington Post), who controls Donald Trump (Huffington Post) and masterminded his election victory (Vanity Fair) despite battling Aspergers (USA Today), and cancer (The Week)? How was Aleppo's last functioning hospital was destroyed by Russia no less than 12 times between August and November? Dealing in false news by NATO members’ media, as exemplified above, is not just wildly erroneous and unethical, it is illustrative of an orchestrated propaganda campaign to demonize Russia and recklessly create an atmosphere for global war.

      But now, many people, at least in the developed world, are starting to see through elitist owned mainstream media. They’ve been caught red handed ‘faking’ and lying about major global events on multiple occasions, and now, some of their employees are leaving their jobs and telling the truth about this propaganda that dominates a large portion of mainstream media. The outsider, Russian President Vladimir Putin, has also called out the desire by the elite for a New World Order, which would see the “powers that be” use “imaginary and mythical” threats to control us. He is many things but he is wiser than our leaders would have us believe. His statement this week at the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan that in the wake of all the problems in Europe that “liberalism has ‘become obsolete” and that liberalism is in conflict with "the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population..." elicited huge condemnation from the elites media mouthpieces.

      German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would not cease to be committed to maintaining good relations with Russia, despite differing opinions on various issues. The 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act should stay in force, Merkel also said. “It is essential not to give up on the Russia-NATO Act, even taking into account these difficult times. We have common interests on this, and should cooperate,” she added. The 1997 Founding Act states that Russia and NATO “will build together a lasting and inclusive peace in the Euro-Atlantic area on the principles of democracy and cooperative security,” and specifically says that the two sides do not consider themselves adversaries.

      This is not a pro-Russian piece, it is a common sense piece trying to rise above the propaganda that many refuse to see. The argument that Putin must be an enemy, because he doesn’t share Western values. But how could he? Russia was never fully welcome in the Western world order, much less able to participate in it on equal terms. It is looked upon by the elites, not as an equal, but as a prize to be won. Using fear, news media organizations in NATO member countries have no qualms about repeating unfounded, reckless claims of an imminent invasion of Europe by the Russian military, even threatening to ignite World War Three, but when it comes to Russian media presenting valid alternative perspectives on a range of international issues, the Western alliance chokes up with accusations of Russian “fake news.” This is just one example of the daily distortion about Russian relations that is perpetrated in the Western media. If any side is guilty of peddling fake news, it is the Western news media of the NATO military alliance, And they are doing it on an industrial scale.

* Phillip Todd is the American Constitutionalist's international correspondent.

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