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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Communist Socialism, The Democratic Party, and The Media


       Zeno Potas

      A recent shock to moderate Democrats was a national poll just taken that stated 47% of it’s members prefer Socialist Communism rather than our current republican system. Forty-Seven percent!!! We need no further proof that today’s “Democratic” party is NOT the ones of our grandfathers nor even our fathers. It is a party bent on changing our country, our Constitution, and our way of life...and not for the better.

      Led by the international Socialist elite they have taken almost complete control of our nations' media which includes newspapers, television, films, and social media platforms. We have discovered a scientific study that concluded Google, considered a simple search engine, was instrumental in swaying between 2-10 million votes during the last election towards the Clinton campaign! A chilling finding for America that we will be speaking of in the near future. Propaganda and manipulation are nothing new, of course. But whereas in the past they worked like carpet bombing, now they are becoming precision-guided munitions.

      Old school Democrats are cautiously beginning to speak out but to be too bold in dissent on the left risks political shunning. Just ask Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) - -Lipinski, is one of the few remaining conservative Democrats in Congress. He is battling for his political life. Powerful interests are lined up against him. Outside spending groups are forming to advocate his defeat. National political figures have endorsed his opponent, a candidate far more in line with liberal orthodoxy. There are people who just want me to follow in line and vote however the party says … We have gotten to a point where everything is black and white. You are either for something in theory or against something in theory.”

      The ‘Walk Away” movement is inspiring many moderate Democrats and many who are “people of color” to stand up and speak up for true American values. It’s a shame many of these want to remain anonymous. It only proves the previous point. Here are a few examples:

  • My departure from the Democratic Party was part of a gradual process that took more than a decade to solidify. Disillusionment in the early 2000s caused me to shift from self-identifying as a Democrat to referring to myself as an Independent.”
  • The Democratic Party I see today is very different from the one I knew and worked for in my younger years. Instead of seeking support from the center of the political spectrum it has moved ever leftward, embracing positions that leave millions of Americans feeling left out. Few Democrats now have any more interest in bipartisanship, instead preaching to the choir in fundraising emails or on MSNBC about how Republican actions are evil and cruel.”
  • After years of voting for the Democratic Party based upon indoctrination and relying on what others said, I began to investigate all of the promises they had made and not kept. At the same time, I researched the Republican Party and what they had done to advance the cause for African-Americans. I saw that the values of the party lined up with my beliefs." - Clarence Henderson, a participant in the Feb. 1, 1960, sit-in at a Greensboro, N.C.
  • I spent almost two-thirds of my adult life in the party into which I had been born. Like others around me, I believed the Republicans were the party of the rich and the Democrats were the party of the working class. My party affiliation was a no-brainer. After attending college and studying politics, history, and law, under ideological driven professors, I became even more persuaded by the rightness and soundness of my allegiance to the Democrats. Intellectually, I knew the histories of the two parties and how the Republican Party had been the party of Abraham Lincoln and how it had fought for anti-lynching laws and integration. However, like many other college educated Americans, I bought into the myth known as the Southern Strategy, whereby the two parties switched places. The Democrats became the party of civil rights and the Republicans the party of racism, a perception I now know to be false.” - Carol M. Swain is a former professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University and a James Madison scholar at Princeton University.

      I have great concern about the Democratic Party's Socialist vision for America and its unethical alliance with the mainstream media. It’s a partnership that enables leftist politicians to use nonstop attacks and criticisms of anyone or any policy in order to deceive voters about those of us who are Independent or are aligned with the Republican Party. It is a party that has allowed itself to be overrun and taken over by its most radical elements. The new Democrats show a disdain for America and its people. Its leaders are willing to argue against due-process rights, the presumption of innocence, the first and second amendments to the Constitution, and the rule of law. Equally frightening is that high-ranking Democrats have encouraged their constituents to confront and harass Republicans at every encounter, while the latter go about their daily business. The behavior is reminiscent of the NAZI brownshirts. This is dangerous and un-American, and we know it won’t end well.

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