M. Richard Maxson
In a couple of days we will discover whether or not we put an end to the great experiment that is the United States of America. This election couldn’t be more clear cut. Do we continue or do we change into a more socialist society.
“Whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice” was, Alexander Hamilton wrote, entirely uncertain. “People are prone to tribalism and irrationality, easy targets for leaders who traffic in demagoguery and corruption.” Hamilton doubted that it was even “seriously to be expected” that “We the People” would be able to set aside existing passions and prejudices long enough to debate the ratification of the Constitution itself solely on its merits. How on earth could the Constitution’s Framers then have convinced themselves to expect the people to manage running an effective national government?
The Framers’ faith in that regard is being sorely tested. They could not have envisioned their country taken over by the elite, their corporations, and foreign political donations from so many outside of the United States with vested interests in it’s demise. A country so void of truth from it’s so-called “gatekeepers,” the press. A press that is “free” in name only. Watching the nightly news on television, as many Americans do, you have to wonder,”is this the news or a political ad for the Democratic party?”
As anyone with a smidgen of knowledge in psychology knows, that a lie told often enough, becomes truth to the receiver of this repetitive message and herein lies the problem. Does the average American have enough of their own thinking left to be an impartial voter? In a very many cases the answer is NO! Elections are now becoming more of a popularity contest rather than voting for the betterment and survival of the Republic.
This week, Americans go to the polls to vote for our future and, subject to the election’s outcome, we must be ready to aggressively push against those who would trash this great nation should the radical Democrat Party and their Socialist elite take over the White House and Senate and begin to push an anti-constitutional agenda.
It may be difficult to admit that a full-scale revolution is brewing in the United States of America. There is much anger about the continual push towards Socialist Communism (Progessivism) from Patriots around the country and around the world. There is also the expected violence from the Left if things don’t go their way. Civil war in the US is being debated in European capitals. No matter which way it goes, there will be no acceptance by either side.
Yes, in a couple of days we will discover whether or not we put an end to the great experiment that is the United States of America. I never thought it would come to this but we must all pick a side. As Thomas Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” That time may be here. I know which side this Patriot is on. How about you?
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