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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Socialists Are Poised to Change America


       M. Richard Maxson
Here, though, is what can expect from a Biden presidency:
  • A hard left shift in policies that the Democratic Party, already too far left, has 
    surrendered to. Few will dare call it Socialism, but that’s what it will be wrapped 
    up in red, white, and blue with government continually taking bites out of civil
     society, centralized bureaucrats planning the economy, and political cronies cashing in.
  • An executive branch that recognizes no limits to its power: “This messy democracy 
    and our constitutional republic are wildly inconvenient and Democrats are done
     pretending to abide it” writes Ned Ryun in American Greatness. Obama stated that, 
    “The Constitution prevents him from doing certain things.”
  •  Higher taxes on everyone and everything (promised) directly AND indirectly.
  • Stricter rules on Social Security, Medicade, and Medicare. (Biden has voted three times
     to tax Social security benefits)
  • An immediate end to the investigation for the charge of treason against himself and many
     high ranking members of his previous leader’s administration.
  • An immediate end to the Russian narrative investigation.
  • An immediate end to the investigation on the Biden’s dealings with Ukraine.
  • An immediate end to the investigation on the Biden’s dealings with China.
  • A re-opening with that Communist country.
  • Energy policy based on the costly and needless Green New Deal.
  • A doubling and heavy taxation of ALL energy sources. Back to the Obama years with
     gasoline at $4-$6 per gallon and beyond. 
  • A campaign to ban gasoline-powered automobiles.
  • A rollback of the Trump administration's deregulation achievements.
  • Massive un-employment and a sluggish economy as energy and related fossil fuel 
    industries are shut down.
  • An unsustainable government-run expensive health care system.
  • Demands for a modern inquisition to “erase Trump” and to “punish and destroy 
    every official, politician, and executive, and media enabled the last four years.
  • A commander in chief who is advised by a movement that believes America is evil and
     must be changed regardless of the constitution.
  • An acceleration of the Communist cancel culture.
  • Accommodations to the Antifa and Black Lives Matter zealots who want to destabilize the
     country. Under a Biden administration, these groups will eventually become defacto 
    storm troopers for the Democrats.
  • Unpunished violence from the left against those who publicly oppose Biden and the 
    Democrat-media machine, and/or support the Republicans remaining in office, law
      enforcement, and free speech.
  • Persecute those who espouse traditional values, laissez-faire economics, 
    individual rights, American history, and exceptionalism, and religious morals. 
  • A hawkish foreign policy. (Trump is the only president in our life-times that 
    did not start a war.)
  • Stop the southern wall. Continue to flood the country with aliens not schooled in Western 
    Civilization or representative government. 
      The land of the free, the bastion of liberty, whose light the whole world looked to for
 freedom the last quarter millennium may be seriously damaged when the Socialist  
revolutionaries take power in 2021.They intend to purposefully destroy the United States 
of America as we have known it for nearly two hundred and fifty years. They have stated
just that. Half of America is blind because of the brainwashing – in school and by the media –
continues unabated. Soon, most all dissent of the Socialist movement will be marginalized.  
It is inevitable that conservative America will be reduced to a voting minority...... 
....and then the revolution will be unstoppable.  


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