Zeno Potas
It may be difficult for some to admit but a full-scale revolution is brewing in the United States of America. The expression of traditional ideas that have been mainstream American culture for generations: the American family is primarily one male father, one female mother, and their children; you can get ahead in life by going to school, studying hard, working hard, getting married, and developing products/ideas that others want to obtain/follow -- is now considered a violent aggression worthy of punishment.
Why, because virtually all the opinion molding organs of American society are in the hands of the Progressives who are financed from entities outside of the United States. One such entity is George Soros and his many organizations that have shaped American opinion, via slight-of-hand propaganda, for the last three decades. The entire educational establishment, the media, the law schools, the libraries, big corporation boards, the entertainment industry and the Democratic Party. You need no more proof than the fact that the head of Soro’s largest internal organization, the Open Society Foundation, is to become one of Mr. Biden’s cabinet nominees!!
The Progressive(Communist) Movement began its ongoing revolution over 100 years ago with the express goal of destroying the classic American culture and overthrowing the established political system. They have succeeded at the former. But the political revolution has not quite yet come to fruition. The political revolution that the Progressives(Communists) are striving for is the following:
Desire for an authoritarian and powerful central government that controls the economy.
Hold equality above liberty.
Foresee universal world government over the nation states, with the US no more special or exceptional than any other nation.
Deny that religion has any public role to play in the nation’s development, and that it is up to the people to set the moral standards that guide the nation.
Sees Western Civilization as corrupt, oppressive and racist; and the nation would better prosper if it accorded more respect to the cultures of indigenous people, peoples of color and immigrant groups.
Free enterprise has not turned out to be free or enterprising for most Americans. It concentrates wealth in the hands of white privileged segments of society; holding down the common folk in unsafe, poor paying, ephemeral jobs while a small coterie accumulates vast wealth – which it uses for nefarious purposes.
Individual rights are a scam to keep minorities oppressed. Group rights protect the average citizen much better.
Fair trade is not fair and not really trade. It sucks the wealth from poor people and enriches the white privileged.
Finally, considers the Founders’ Constitution to be outdated, to be replaced by one giving force to the ideas in the previous stated.
widely-predicted and
triumph of the Democratic Party via a newly elected president and
control of both houses of Congress may well herald the arrival of the
political revolution toward which the Socialists
under Soros
have been driving us. The land of the free, the bastion of liberty,
whose light the whole world looked to for freedom the last quarter
millennium may be overthrown when the Socialist
take power in 2021. Thier
goals are:
Abolish the Electoral College and guarantee majority leftist rule perpetually.
Pack the Supreme Court to guarantee leftist “justice.”
Cripple the economy with confiscatory taxes, overwhelmingly burdensome regulations, banned fossil fuels and profligate government spending.
Reinstitute all the absurd federal regulations removed in the last three years and institute myriad new ones, putting the federal knee on the throat of American business.
Continue to flood the country with aliens not schooled in Western Civilization or representative government.
Persecute those who espouse traditional values, laissez-faire economics, individual rights, American history and exceptionalism, and religious morals.
And very possibly, abrogate the Constitution.
They will purposefully destroy the United States of America as we have known it for nearly two hundred and fifty years. Will the radicals triumph politically this time? They are winning. The youth of America have been brainwashed for at least the last 50 years. The average youngster has no idea who John Marshall or Edmund Burke or Adam Smith were or what they said, or how their ideas shaped the political, economic and social systems of our country. But he or she can tell you with certainty that capitalist America has polluted the oceans, fouled the atmosphere, oppressed people of color all over the world, demeaned women and hoarded the wealth. Alas, the cultural revolution these folks have engineered is essentially complete; now we are on the cusp of the completion of its political counterpart.
If the Socialist Democrats do not take control of the Presidency and both Houses of Congress in January, it is just a matter of time until they do. The flood of illegal immigration and the brainwashing – in school and by the media – continue unabated. It is inevitable that conservative America will be reduced to a voting minority, and then the revolution will be unstoppable. - without violence.
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