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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Communist Inspired Purges Begin in the Un-United States


       Zeno Potas

      The Communist inspired purges are beginning in the un-United States. Censorship, now happening in the United States, involves the suppression of speech or public communication by “The Party” and raises issues of freedom of speech, which is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Interpretation of this fundamental freedom has varied since its enshrinement – but no more.

      The Socialist Congress and their backers, have begun the purge of anyone or anything that represents the originalist constitution. First order of business was to take down the President. That task done they had to shut him up about the fraudulent takeover of the country. All his ability to communicate with the public was ended. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, in concert with unjustifiably justified his constitutional breach, saying, “We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great, therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on (Trump’s) Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely.” If social media can deny a US President his First Amendment rights, will state approved censorship on everyone diverging from the official narrative become the new normal?

      Next was to demonize anyone who did not tow the party line. You Tube announced that it will temporarily restrict video postings that contain alleged “misinformation” — aka views contesting the official narrative. Thousands of posted videos were removed. Temporary restrictions will be permanent in cases of continued content that a higher authority wants suppressed. You Tube CEO Susan Wojcicki earlier said the following, “(B)ad actors are exploiting” the Internet to “mislead, manipulate, harass or even harm” — referring to truth-telling views dark forces, "the men in the shadows," want banned.

      Third, eliminate factual stories that don’t conform with the party line or may show criminality of the regime. Big Tech's censorship of stories damaging to Hunter Biden, the president-elect's son, just days before the November election is only one of many examples. All 18 GOP members of the House Oversight Committee are demanding that the Democratic-led committee hold a hearing to investigate Twitter and Facebook's "unjustifiable censorship" of the New York Post's reporting on Biden's foreign business entanglements. That is not going to happen. We are now living in a country where a few companies who rulers are un-elected and unaccountable and they have the monopoly power to decide, to wipe people out, erase them from any digital platform. To permanently censor anything or anyone that doesn’t repeat endlessly, the party line.

      Next, eliminate true journalism completely by banning certain news outlets that don’t report the party line. This week, two senior Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee were assigned to selectively target a handful of news media outlets for their coverage of political events. The Congress wrote letters to the cable providers and other regulated entities that carry these news media outlets with an ominous message. The Democrat Socialists sent a message that is as clear as it is troubling-these regulated entities will pay a price if the targeted newsrooms do not conform to Democrats’ preferred political narratives.

      This is a chilling transgression of the free speech rights that every media outlet in this country enjoys. Will full-blown tyranny become the new normal? It will permit no challenges to the diabolical agenda of these overwhelming Socialist forces.

  • When you start suppressing speech, first of all, it's dictatorial. Second, it violates our constitutional right. But the third thing I would say is it causes people to go underground, and as people go underground … you get more conspiracy type theories involved. It gets injected with more hatred. It gets injected with more bitterness .... The way they're doing this, they're going to prevent discussions that make us all progress and solve issues. Instead, they're going to foment more problems, more discord by doing this. My opinion, they're trying to create a single party system, and that's wrong. - Prof. Jonathan Turley to Congress February 2021

      Breaching the US Constitution is a criminal offense — accountability never following when in pursuit of Washington’s and their corporate master's diabolical totalitarian agenda. The Internet is the last frontier of digital democracy, the only reliable independent space for real news, information and analysis. It lets everyone freely express views on any topics – unless corporate gatekeepers undermine the public interest by blocking them. If dark forces triumph of constitutionally guaranteed rights — including unrestricted free and open expression — democracy in America no longer will exist. Content in this and other articles I write may be criminalized. The same goes for others like you and me. Tyranny in America will become the new normal — the law of the land.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Democrats Lied - Thousands of Americans Died


       M. Richard Maxson

      President Trump did everything he could to help the citizens in his beloved New York but the Democratic party, with Andrew Cuomo as their point man, refused to participate in anything the President did and as a result nearly 15,000 Americans died!!! They died because of Democratic Socialist politics and their blood is on the hands of the Democratic party.

      Give Trump nothing, no credit for anything, any time, any where. He was trying to help, trying to save lives. No matter, the destruction of all things Trump in their quest for power was more important than a few thousand American lives. The Democrat Governor Cuomo was out to prove that they didn’t need Trump’s help, so instead of using the federal aid, he ordered nursing homes to accept the infected patients thereby contaminating the others in the homes and their care workers who in turn took it out into the public and to their homes.

      New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that his state was still struggling to contain the coronavirus outbreak citing nearly 2,000 hospitalizations daily. Immediately after arriving from its home port in Norfolk, Virginia, the military’s floating lifesaver was adjusted to receive coronavirus patients. It had beds and staff waiting and ready but then only 71 of the USNS Comfort’s 500 beds became occupied. At the Javits center, with over a thousand beds available just about that many were treated during the entire operation. In contrast arae hospitals were screaming for relief. “We’re still backed up 50 deep in both adult and pediatric ERs,” said a hospital staffer at the time, taking a few seconds out of a busy shift to text The Post. “There’s no beds.” Beds and treatment were available and the Democrats said – NO.

      Back in Washington, during a White House briefing Friday, President Donald Trump said the lack of patients on the ship showed that New York City was healing. “They didn’t need it, that’s a good thing. That’s such a good thing. I think that shows that New York’s making progress,” Trump said. His administration had no idea the devious tactic the Democrat Socialists were using to continue to slander the president.

                                             Democrats Lied – People Died

      Suddenly the death toll in New York exploded. Wanting to show they did not need the President’s help, they falsified the records. In a leaked recording of the governor’s top aide, Melissa DeRosa, admitting to Democrats in private conversations this week that the administration withheld the true data because it feared the Department of Justice would use the figures to pursue complaints of state misconduct and then President Donald Trump turns this into a giant political football.” What we start saying, this cover up was going to be used against us while we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation.” Reporting deaths to the Federal government in times of emergencies is vital. Covering up murder is another thing.

      Mr. Biden’s FBI and federal prosecutors are investigating New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s coronavirus task force in the deaths of thousands of nursing home patients and a suspected cover-up of the truth. No doubt that the party and it’s minions will excuse these murders but realistically, in a country that follows the law, what crimes might have been committed?

      The governor’s persistent and most vacuous excuse is that his decision was based on "President Trump’s CDC guidance." This is demonstrably false. Before Cuomo issued his fateful order, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a stern advisory that virus-infected patients must be isolated. "It is critical that long-term care facilities implement active measures to prevent introduction of COVID-19," it read. The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which regulates nursing homes, issued an almost identical advisory.

      Are the Democrat Socialist party, with Andrew Cuomo as their point man legally responsible? Let’s begin with the obvious —obstruction of justice. If a government official falsifies or hides evidence to avoid triggering an investigation (or acts out of fear that such a probe may occur) that official is still culpable under the law of obstruction. If it is true that Cuomo’s top aide admitted to lawmakers that the state misrepresented the number of deaths in nursing homes to avoid having the data "used against us" in a Department of Justice probe. That appears to have been a confession to a potential obstruction charge. If there were others, including Cuomo, who knowingly participated in concealing the truth this could constitute a conspiracy to obstruct.

      What about the crime of defrauding the government? Fraud is not limited to causing monetary loss or property damage. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that defrauding the government is also the act of interfering with "a lawful government function" such as investigations and the duty of a legislature to report truthful information to the public. If Cuomo or anyone in his administration provided false information to the New York State legislature or to any agency of the federal government by deceitful and dishonest means, then the government has been defrauded. Once again, the involvement of others in such a scheme or artifice would constitute a conspiracy to defraud the government.

      New York Attorney General Letitia James offered the first evidence of allegedly falsified data when she revealed that Cuomo’s team under reported nursing home deaths by as much as 50 percent. According to the Associated Press, nearly 15,000 nursing home patients died from the coronavirus —not approximately 8,500 deaths.

      Then came the stunning admission by Cuomo aide, DeRosa, in a private phone call with Democrat lawmakers that the numbers were doctored to shield against a federal investigation. Murder may be a stretch. Nevertheless, there is a provision in New York law whereby second-degree murder is defined as reckless conduct "which creates a grave risk of death to another person and thereby causes the death of another person." Involuntary manslaughter carries a similar reckless standard. Other definitions involve the intent to kill. Being arrogant, uncaring, and making dumb decisions are not enough under the law and do not rise to the legal requirement of intent.

      It was obvious from the outset that the New York governor’s order was causing an appalling spike in nursing home deaths. Under pressure, he reversed himself and rescinded his directive on May 10, 2020, but it was too late. Thousands of healthy Americans had been exposed and died. Cuomo pressured nursing homes to accept patients who were infected and insisted that they "must comply." Parents, grandparents, and others died as a direct consequence. Cuomo’s malfeasance killed those who needed his help the most. They can now be counted as his victims.

      This was completely a political decision made endorsed by the highest ranks of the party. New York State Assemblyman Ron Kim recently disclosed that Cuomo threatened to "destroy" him if he did not "cover up" for the governor. That, by itself, could be the subject of a separate obstruction of justice charge.


      Was point man Cuomo’s decision so wanton and reckless that it was foreseeable that vulnerable nursing home residents exposed to COVID patients would die by the thousands? It is too early to know whether federal prosecutors will bring criminal charges against Cuomo and/or his confederates for obstruction of justice, fraud, and conspiracy. But his attempt to cover-up his wrongful actions shows no signs of abating. Don’t be surprised when these deaths are minimized and the whole thing delayed and swept away quietly.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Biden's Cronies Make Millions as Corruption Reigns in Washington


       M.Richard Maxson

      The Shadow government and the Deep State are back in control. This has allowed the corruption in D.C. to explode. The Leftist elite are reaping record profits now that their cabal runs America. To keep the distraction going as to hide what is really going on from the public, highly placed people, most of whom that have never had their power challenged, are keeping President Trump in the headlines in an unprecedented assault from the powers that be.

      What do they want to divert the public's attention away from? Why did so many insiders conspire to keep an outsider from pushing the curtain aside and looking inside the tent? Is it possible that the level of corruption is so immense that if uncovered, elected officials from coast to coast could end up wearing orange jumpsuits? The answer is - YES - but it won't happen to them. They are protected.

      Our first example: Mr. Biden dropped President Trump's prescription drug help for all Americans. Why? So his friends could reap millions. 

      In our second example he cancelled they Keystone Pipeline restoring thousands of jobs, but why? He said it was about the environment, but was it, really?

       The worst of these is right in Mr. Biden’s cabinet. The new Secretary of War (Defense) is/was a board member of Raytheon, the largest arms manufacturer in the world. Suddenly, pro-Raytheon ads were appearing in many publications.

      In the first two weeks they approved a total of over 1.5 billion dollars in arms sales world-wide for Raytheon.

  • US approves $1.9 billion sale to India of Integrated Air Defense Weapon System. The Raytheon Corporation and Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace are the prime contractors.

  • US sells $200m in weapons to Egypt despite human rights abuses The $197m sale of the Raytheon-made Rolling Airframe Missiles was requested by the Egyptian navy to improve defence in coastal areas and around the Red Sea, the US Department of State said.

      Not a bad haul for a cabinet official who still owns 1.7 million dollars in Raytheon stock.



       Corruption reigns in Washington once again. Democratic Corporate Socialism where the rich get richer and the public stays complacent. What if President Trump had done this?



Sunday, February 21, 2021

Who Is In Charge In Washington?


       M. Richard Maxson

      He has to be helped to walk. His media asks him questions like an adult would ask a child. He has an earpiece where is handlers give him direction and instructions on what to say and do. When he goes off script it is usually a disaster showing his racist mentality, such as Hispanics and Blacks don’t understand how to use the internet. He is in the second stage of dementia. He had to be led off the inauguration stage. Who is he? His name is Joe Biden.

      Less than two weeks in, his staffers have pre-screened reporters ahead of briefings to see what they plan to ask, according to a report from the left-wing Daily Beast. The outlet cited “three sources with knowledge of the matter” and “written communications” of the subject. It is so his handlers can try to keep him from going off script.

       His original planned Michigan trip was canceled due to snow although there was no snow in the forecast. That lie was to cover-up the fact that the White House was told that demonstrations against his policies would have ensued upon his arrival. When he arrived a couple of days later Biden’s speech from the Pfizer factory was a disaster. He worked his way through prepared remarks and lied about not inheriting a vaccine distribution plan from Trump. At one point, Joe Biden walked out of the script again and claimed his late mother even said Trump didn’t order enough vaccines. “A little over four weeks ago America didn’t really have a plan to vaccinate most of the country. My predecessor, as my mother would say, “did not order enough vaccines,” failed to mobilize the effort to administer the vaccines… It changed when we took office, ”Biden said.

      It has been told that he wakes up these last few weeks and asks his wife, “Where are we.” It’s supposed to be the White House, but is it? Photos show that he and his Democrat Socialist cronies, are shooting so-called press conferences, speeches and document signings, in a movie studio. There is little that is true with this Progressive Socialist group.

      He physically and mentally unable to do his job. This past Thursday, his day ended at 8AM. Halting work at such an early hour of the day justifies many Americans’ suspicions that Biden is not adequately prepared for holding the highest office in the land. Now that the blind rage fomented against President Trump has subsided, among the moderate Americans, they are beginning to see reality. A bombshell Rasmussen poll released this week finds 54% of likely voters think Biden is a "puppet of the left.” (They must have been reading The Constitutionalist) Only 40% disagreed. "Less than a month after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, most voters believe the Democrat is 'a puppet of the radical left' and not the moderate 'nice guy' he was portrayed as being during the election campaign," Rasmussen said. "Not only do 82% of Republicans agree with Trump Jr.’s statement, but so do 27% of Democrats and 54% of voters not affiliated with either major party," the report said.

      Others, around the world are also seeing a puppet government. In Great Britain, The Sun reported Biden was being described in the political world as a "puppet of Nancy Pelosi and 'far-left Democrats.’ In Australia, Sky News host Cory Bernardi stated, “Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised,” Mr Bernardi said. “It’s clear to me at the least that U.S. President Joe Biden is struggling with dementia and is clearly not up to the task he’s been sworn in to do.” Mr Bernardi said it is something which was “evident” during the election campaign, but the “partisan and poisonous” mainstream media chose not to highlight anything which could have “derailed a Biden victory”. “Even now, after he has been sworn in, many of them are still refusing to speak the truth about Biden’s lack of capacity.” Joe Biden recently emerged to make his “sanitised” Presidential Town Hall Debut, at which the new president “promptly gave away his teleprompter”. “The result was nothing short of a disaster … it was littered with total falsehoods,” Mr Bernardi said. “It’s all rather pathetic, but even usually smart people are blinded by the nonsense put out by the mainstream media. They believe every perceived sin of Donald Trump while they seem intent on canonizing St. Joe.” - Sky News Australia.

Full report here:

      The American Constitutionalist has always been at the forefront of news suppressed by the "men in the shadows." We are extremely satisfied when a story we broke becomes reality a day, a week, or a month after you have read it here. They won't remove this site again, as they did twelve years ago when we began reporting a funny story about big tech surveillance. Keep researching everything you see and hear and we will continue to inform.

Friday, February 19, 2021

U.S. Military to Remain in Capitol Indefinitely - Ordered to Purge Patriots and Constitutionalists


       M. Richard Maxson

      National Guard troops will remain in U.S. Capitol indefinitely. The only reason any country would do this would be to protect an illegal government. (See Maynmar) That fact, is not in question. States where the fraud was perpetrated are now flushing their voter roles of tens of thousands of illegal voters and destroying evidence of the corporate coup. The First Purge has begun.

      A full fledged conservative purge is taking place in the United States starting with it’s armed forces. The military has been ordered to “stand down” to allow each service to have “needed discussions” about “conservative extremism” in the ranks. The new Secretary of War(Defense) has ordered it. The “conservative extremism” is anyone who is a PATRIOT or a Constitutionalist. They don’t want members of the armed forces refusing an illegal order, because that order is unconstitutional. Put simply, “how they think” is the new battle ground, and those who actually do think, are apparently a real problem for the new (and illegitimate) Presidency. In Joe Biden’s armed forces, such persons are a threat to the military carrying out whatever mission the left-wing are planning, and such members of the military have to be purged. Reminds you of the old Soviet Union doesn’t it?


      Former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Steven Rogers said on Thursday that an order by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for the military to stand down to address “extremism” is unprecedented, unnecessary, and a dangerous road that leads to Communism. “This to me, dangerous, it looks like a political litmus test, and it’s a road that you would only find in Communist China or in the former Soviet Union,” said former Lieutenant Commander Rogers. “Are they now going to purge conservatives?” Americans who value the original Constitution. “Are military members who have conservative views and values—are they the ones that are going to be targeted?” Rogers asked.

      The control of all thought and speech is being driven by Communist Progressives and useful idiots in the mass media. Free speech is fine as long as it tows the party line. Corporate media figures and outlets have demanded that Biden should also take an aggressive approach in combating conservative patriotic media. This is very dangerous. The military first and the populace next? It is going down a very, very dangerous road. That road leads to the United States to becoming a Socialist nation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The US Funded the Wuhan Research


        Phillip Todd

      The pandemic raging around the world was partially funded by the United States. The funding agencies were ones led by Dr. Anthony Fauci head of the NAIAD* and Dr. Francis Collins head of the NIH.** They did this in violation of a moratorium of funding imposed under the Obama administration. This is a technical story and we will try to simplify it as much as possible. This story has been carried by the Washington Post, the New York Post, and others if you want more information on the technical aspects.

      Simply put: In 2014 the Obama Administration placed a moratorium on this type of germ warfare research, gain of function, citing recent Bio safety incidents at research facilities around the world. Lab leaks happen. It was not a ban on the experiments in the United States. It was a ban on funding them anywhere. The ban was announced in October 2014 stating that existing projects should be paused.

      Disregarding that directive, these “experts” decided it a risk worth taking and saying that important information and insights can come from generating a pool dangerous viruses in a laboratory. Dr Fauci’s NAIAD continued funding this research but not in the United States where it was halted. Instead, it was given to Peter Daszak, the British-born head of New York based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. He, in turn, sub-contracted to Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $666,000 in 2014, $630,000 in 2015, $611,000 and 2016, $597,000 in 2017. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is listed as a funding source for the paper that identified the virus BtCoV/4991 in the mine shaft where the virus originated.

      The experimentation used reverse genetics pseudo virus and receptor binding. They used virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and to humanized mice. They were trying to see if they could infect humans. It was a success.

      Since then, the recent trip to China by the WHO shows just how far the cover-up will go. Peter Daszak, the British-born head of New York based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, was the only U.S. representative on the WHO team. He was the one who was/is working with the head of the infectious diseases unit at the Wuhan institute of virology. The same man who directed Dr. Fauci’s and Dr. Collins funding. He is also the most vociferous opponent of the “lab leak” hypothesis even though the first cases of covid were the lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

      In February last year the Chinese regime replaced the head of the institute of virology with the head of their Bio weapons program. Vital evidence was destroyed making this week's investigation a further farce.

Here’s what we know:

  • The virus appeared in 2012 and it was known in the scientific community.
  • Samples were taken to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • Experiments were conducted to see if a virus, that could spread rapidly in humans could be used for other purposes.
  • These experiments were funded partially by the United States through the NIH and the NAIAD in disregard of the governments directive.

  • They analyzed that corona viruses and sequenced their genetic information.
  • Then they built genetically engineered new viruses man made in the lab.
  • They mixed human cells with them, in the lab.
  • They then showed that their man made viruses could replicate into a functional virus.

      Why were they doing specific research on that virus to make it more transmittable from human to human? Former MI 6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove stated, " it's an engineered escapee from the Wuhan Institute. I'm not saying anything other than that..... It was the result of an accident." An accident? Bottom line is that the U.S. helped fund the research, in Wuhan, that has cause a world-wide pandemic.

*NAIAD - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

**NIH - National Institute of Health

Monday, February 15, 2021

There Was No Insurrection


       George Sontag

      Was the American Revolution an insurrection? I suppose it was to the establishment of the time. The tyrant, King George, and his accomplices were what we were rebelling about. The same thing happened again at the Capitol. The tyrant this time was the elite establishment. This time, THEY held all the cards via their acquired media. 

      Dissent is patriotic, or did that end when it became inconvenient? You have done nothing wrong by protesting what you see as a flawed election and a corrupt ruling class. You have done nothing wrong by rejecting the Establishment narrative. You have a right to protest anything you want, and you don’t need their permission. It’s your Constitutional right.

      An insurrection means ruins and mass graves, not some dude in a horn hat wandering around the House as a police officer asks him to chill. Nor was this incident some sort of “attack on Our Democracy where our freedom hung on by a thread.” The drama queens have played this narrative up on MSNBC, CNN, etc, and it is just the kind of exaggeration the Democrat Socialist demagogues delight in. The reason they are calling it an “insurrection” is to de-legitimize all resistance to the elite establishment’s reign of error, and to play along is to give credence to its lie and to empower its propaganda.

      They hype the happening because they want to make you afraid to speak up. They want to try to make it impossible for you to live in this society if you do not parrot the party line. They won’t say it that way. They will try to wrap themselves in the same flag of red, white, and blue they were calling a symbol of white supremacy last year to try to seize some sort of moral high ground and shut you up. Like they give a damn about the Constitution. This tiresome “insurrection” and “sedition” palaver is just an attempt to turn 74 million Americans into enemies of the state, mom and apple pie.

      This kind of baloney is par for the course for the Democrats. They’re going to call you an “insurrectionist” today and a “racist” tomorrow and some other hogwash after that, so who cares what they say? It is the Left that is overwhelmingly responsible for the political violence and destruction that is hammering our great nation.

      For years, we have watched with increasing alarm as Democrat/Socialist political leaders and activists – from Speaker Nancy Pelosi to media outlets like MSNBC – have used an endless stream of hateful, violent and ultimately un-American rhetoric that has resulted in billions of dollars in economic damage and given birth to a violent national movement. The Democrats’ Socialist and Communist pawns spent six months burning down the cities

      What does grate are the Republicans who, supposedly stand for the Constitution, that voted against the President this week. Their ridiculous reasoning is laughable and traitorous. Corruption reigns on both sides. These seven have shown their true colors as puppets of the corporate elite. That label is not only reserved for the powerful billionaires of the Left, but anyone who is in the pockets of the cabal who run these un-United States. No, this was NOT an insurrection, this WAS an attempt to save our country. What next Patriots?

Sunday, February 14, 2021

  Guest Column*  


                    Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President
                                of the United States of America

      "I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth."

      "My deepest thanks as well to all of the United States Senators and Members of Congress who stood proudly for the Constitution we all revere and for the sacred legal principles at the heart of our country."

      "Our cherished Constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights and our freedoms."

      "It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree. I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate."

      "This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago."

      "I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times."

      "Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!"

      "We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future.

      "Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish."

      "We remain one People, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come."

      "May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America."


*The President's response to the end of the show trial.

Friday, February 12, 2021

The U.S. Communist Show Trial Ends


       M. Richard Maxson

  • The Moscow Trials were a series of show trials held in the Soviet Union at the instigation of Joseph Stalin between 1936 and 1938 against members of the Right.

      This week wraps up the unconstitutional so-called second impeachment of President Trump. The verdict is obvious, he will not be convicted, but the motive may not be as obvious. This impeachment trial is a Communist show trial and America’s first glimpse at what happens when people stand up to Communism. It is a spectacle of political theater so transparent that it would have taken genuine effort not to see through it. George Orwell could hardly have improved on this eerie and macabre spectacle.

      The Constitution makes quite clear WHAT an impeachment is and HOW it is to be conducted. None of the criteria is met in this illegal spectacle. It is happening not only to destroy President Trump, but to indoctrinate unsuspecting Americans into the Progrssives anti-constitutional agenda. The “men in the shadows” have given the impression that this is the way it should be by use of their so-called experts, elevated by simply putting them on TV and giving them impressive sounding titles like “analyst” or strategist,” the public can be led to believe just about anything. Lurking, always there, is Hollywood, churning out “messages that would make Leni Riefenstahl blush over their blatant propaganda value.

     This is not new in America. We can read of past Soviet Communist show trials and how the American left is emulating this type of extreme propaganda. Their peers supported Stalin and vouched for the authenticity of the trials. In 1938, some 150 Americans prominent in the entertainment industry signed a statement in support of the verdicts reached in the trials. Then as now, prominent Americans can be found to defend this Stalinistic political show trial. 

      They are hyping up this sham because they want to make Patriots afraid to speak up. They want to try to make it impossible for you to live in this society if you do not parrot the party line. They won’t say it that way. They will try to wrap themselves in the same flag they were calling a symbol of white supremacy last year to try to seize some sort of moral high ground and shut you up. Like they give a damn about the Constitution. This tiresome “insurrection” and “sedition” nonsense is an attempt to turn 100 million Americans into enemies of the state.

      In some ways this isn’t really a surprise, is it? Democrats have been ignoring the Constitution for a long time. But what’s different about this latest effort is the sheer audacity of the Democrats’ power play against the Supreme Law of the Land. In the past, Democrats have at least paid lip service to the Constitution and have tried to perform intellectual somersaults to justify their ideas as having Constitutional backing. Democrats are now officially giving up on the Constitution and calling for it to be scrapped. They’ve stopped hiding their disdain for the document and are now in open war against it.    

      Someone might think Communism (or democratic Socialism) smells like caring and fairness. That may be how it’s presented by your favorite college professor or vapid congresswoman. They’re also the ones who plan to be in charge if we ever become an -ism country. People who have lived through it or have family who has almost ALWAYS have a different opinion of what the -isms actually are. Listen to their experiences or learn to say – Comrade.