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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

What Kind of Government Needs Soldiers and a Razor Wire Fence to Keep It’s Citizens Out?


       Zeno Potas

      What kind of government needs soldiers and a razor wire fence to keep it’s citizens out? A totalitarian dictatorship or an illegitimate government that’s who. No one else needs fear their own people unless they are frauds! Welcome to Amerika 2021.

      A Green Zone has been established in DC and will become permanent. “In light of recent events, I can unequivocally say that vast improvements to the physical security infrastructure must be made to include permanent fencing, and the availability of ready, back-up forces in close proximity to the Capitol,” stated Leftist Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman. Due to recent events where American citizens stormed the Capitol after a farcical election, “fencing, which was supposed to be temporary, needed to be made permanent.” To permanently keep the citizens away from their government which half the country does not recognize. After 220 years without a permanent fence. We might see another exclusion zone for the HQs of hedge funds and investment banks, and Leftist millionaires too in the not too distant future too.

      The move comes as Democrat appointed puppet Joe Biden signed an Executive Order on his first day in office that canceled ongoing construction of the border wall on the southern border, which was being built to put a dent in illegal immigration and trafficking activities along the U.S.-Mexico border. You can’t make this stuff up.

      As their “Dear Leader” sits in the White House, Communist groups continue to ravage western U.S. cities. Across the U.S., left-wing groups ‘Antifa’ and ‘BLM’ are continuing to disrupt public order following the inauguration of Joe Biden. "I remember the media and Democrats blaming all this Antifa violence on Donald Trump -- yet here we have Joe Biden in the White House and Antifa is still rampaging in the streets of Seattle and Portland and Denver," Sen. Tom Cotton 

      Communist riots continue, Portland saw an anti-Biden Antifa protest in which rioters carrying stun guns, pepper ball guns and fireworks scuffled with police and damaged an ICE building, police said. Photographs show marchers carrying signs with phrases including, "We don’t want Biden – we want revenge!" and "We are ungovernable."

      In Denver, protesters blasted both former President Donald Trump and Biden and allegedly burned an American flag. At least two people were arrested there.

      In the college town of Bellingham, Wash., Mayor Seth Fleetwood was rushed out of City Hall Friday morning after a mob of rioters stormed the building. reporter Deedee Sun tweeted video that appeared to show masked, black-clad protesters taking down the American flag outside and carry it away. She said they also "threw a hot drink" on a different reporter and stole a microphone. The Socialist puppet, Mr. Biden has no plans to stop the unrest.

     If there is any doubt that the Leftist elite are running things now just look to the Nobel committee's handing over of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Communist Black Lives Matters. That's right: a group led by self-described "trained Marxists" who literally spent time with Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and then triggered night after night of violent looting riots at a cost of at least 25 lives and a record $2 billion in insured property claims (probably much more in uninsured property), and grotesque Red Guard–style repudiation scenes such as forcing restaurant diners to wave their fists in solidarity or face overturned tables and assault, is somehow...worthy of the world's top award for peace.

      These elite Norwegian Socialist clowns doing the nominating likely has no idea what's going on in the United States, given that they live in isolated Norway, takes in meetings with activists, and reads only the leftist press. The idiocy of his proposal tops that of the Norwegians handing out a Nobel prize to another puppet of the elite, Barack Obama, just for getting elected president and being black without doing anything else.

      In both instances, the Nobel committee nominators seem to relish anyone with the ability to exert leftist power, equating that kind of power-mongering with "peace." It's a sorry act but the Left has come to worship power not peace.

      In addition, BLM has since morphed into what appears to be a corporate shakedown racket and managed to get its Marxist identity politics party line into every corporate boardroom in America. The Left are never going to be satisfied. Each victory it wins brings a bigger demand to its marks, without ceasing, until its will to absolute power is achieved. A one-party system. Sound like peace?

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