Guest Column
James Leija
Has America become the land of the special interest and the home of the double standard? Lets see:
- If we lie to Congress it’s a felony and if Congress lies to us, it’s just politics.
- If we dislike a black person, we are racist and if a black dislikes a whites, it’s their first amendment rights.
- The government spends millions to re-rehabilitate criminals, but does almost nothing for the victims.
- In public schools you can teach homosexuality, that’s OK but you better not say the word god.
- You can kill an unborn child, but it’s wrong to execute a mass murderer.
- We don’t burn books in America, we re-write them.
- We got rid of the Communist and Socialist threat by re-naming them Progressives.
- We are unable to close our border with Mexico, but have no problem protecting the thirty-eighth parallel in Korea.
- If you protest against the government you are a terrorist, but if you burn an American flag, it’s your first amendment right.
- You can have pornography on your TV or internet, but you better not put a nativity scene in a public place at Christmas.
- We can use a human fetus for research, but it’s wrong to use an animal.
- We take money from those who work hard and give to to people who don’t want to work.
- We all support the Constitution, but some only when it fits their ideology.
- We still have freedom of speech, but only politically correct speech.
- Parenting has been replaced by social media.
- The land of opportunity has been replace by the land of hand-outs.
How do our politicians handle a major crisis today? They form a committee to determine who is at fault, then threatens them, passes a law, raises our taxes, and tells us the problem is solved so they can get back to their election campaign.
What happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?
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