Zeno Potas
In all my years as an American, I have never been so fearful for the future of my nation. We are in the midst of a class war that is being driven by Democrats’ demagoguery, and it is likely to end very badly. The Democratic Party and its media propagandists will tell you it’s systemic racism, social injustice, or white supremacy. But it’s a class war that is egged on by the Democratic Party’s politicians and their elitist partners in the mainstream media echo chamber.
America has quickly transitioned from a Democratic Republic into a oligarchy and left-wing totalitarianism is happening now. To me, it’s reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 is a classic book depicting a populace ruled by a political regime that persecutes individualism and independent critical thinking as “thoughtcrimes” that must be enforced by the “thought police.” This party seeks power above all, and, through the propagandist Ministry of Truth, presents the people with their version of truth.
The New York Times recently published an essay on detailing a range of recommendations for the Biden administration to adopt to fix the “reality crisis” and “de-radicalize” citizens, including setting up a “reality czar” and “truth commission.” he essay was written by technology columnist Kevin Roose, and it explains how “conspiracy theories” have been embraced by millions of Americans and that so many people have succumb to “hoaxes, lies and collective delusions” that has these people creating “their own version of reality.” But is this true? Are all these “hoaxes and lies” actually hoaxes and lies or is it truth being suppressed? I don’t know, but what I do know is that mainstream media fails to have appropriate conversations about them. If they do, it is a one-sided narrative meant to shut down any different facts.
It’s also important to mention, again, that this censorship is not just happening to “extremists” and other such groups, it’s happening to renowned scientists, journalists and doctors. The effort to absolutely control all thought and speech is suddenly skyrocketing. It is being driven by Communist sympathizers and useful idiots in the mass media. Why is it that the New York Times, for example, uses ridicule and hatred to belittle a belief but never acknowledge the reasons as to why people believe what they do? Why do they simply label something as a “conspiracy theory” without any evidence that it actually is a conspiracy theory? There is no investigative journalism there. It is a stooge, sitting in an office, making up a narrative to fit the current agenda.
Any information, evidence or opinion that opposes or calls into question government agencies, their recommendations or actions seems to be completely ignored, ridiculed and censored. Debate and/or conversation is not even encouraged. This has many people questioning what’s really happening in our world? Why is it that someone like Dr. Anthony Fauci can receive massive mainstream media attention when so many other experts in the field never see the light of day? We will leave that question for our report on the pandemic coming soon.
There is a lot of "fake" information out there, mainly put out by our government, but what about legitimate information that's being censored? Can't we decide for ourselves what is and isn't? Should people not have the right to look at information openly and transparently and decide for themselves what is and what isn’t? Are people really that “dumb” to the point where we need Big Tech to step in and tell us what is true and what isn’t? How far have we sunk if telling the truth becomes a crime?
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