M. Richard Maxson
The control of a nation's health care has been a huge step toward Socialism. The warnings about this go back to the Hoover administration. In the 1940's Ronald Reagan left the Democratic party as the Socialist agenda began to take control. He began making speeches and short films on the evil of Socialized medicine and how it was a great danger to the Republic. "When you can control a persons body through their health, you control those people completely". Controlled health care ensures the dependency of the populace on government.
Then there are the Constitutional violations. Ignored by the media and denied by the Leftist controlled Democrats are the unconstitutional executive orders by the Obama Administration to change the employer mandate for large employers from 95% of employees to 70% for 2015 which ignores the, of course, unconstitutional executive order to move the enforcement date from 2014 to 2015. When Mr. Obama chooses to enforce or change select portions of federal law, is he playing the part of chief executive or skirting around Congress and, by extension, the U.S. Constitution? If a new president of any party did this with respect to legislation passed by a prior Congress and signed by a prior president, there would be calls for impeachment.
The laws are quite clear. Executive orders cannot create or change law. Executive orders are for the purpose of administrating law. Administrating, not making or changing laws, administrating. Executive orders cannot change one hundred years of court decisions. "President Obama's decision to ignore the constitutional limits on his authority subverts the rule of law and threatens the individual liberty that our system of separated powers is designed to protect," said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte. It is the job of a freely elected Congress to stop this abuse today regardless of whether they agree or disagree with the substance of the executive actions being promulgated by the President of the United States.
Running interference from the Left are those who want to fundamentally change America and would much rather demonize someone who is exposing this agenda than engage in a conversation that they cannot win. Others join in the fray, happily marching in lockstep with those who are attempting to convert our nation to something we won't recognize, having no idea that they are being used. Vladimir Lenin is sometimes credited with coining the phrase "useful idiots" to describe such individuals. The disaster of this lawless administration in Washington that unilaterally changes laws passed by Congress has nearly three more years to continue doing irreparable damage to the fundamental basis of American government and Americans' freedom.
It is time in America for the people to open their eyes to what is happening and do something about it. Today, all around us, our nation undergoes radical changes without so much as a conversation out of fear of being called a name, of facing economically adverse actions or of enduring government harassment, characterized by the perpetrators as "phony scandals." The true Leftists would be amusing if it were not so sad to behold them dissecting, distorting and repeating words and slogans in an attempt to divert attention from the rise of government control...........and the end of America, as we knew it.
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