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Are you ready for the truth? The REAL truth of who is REALLY running this country and the world. You may be shocked or shake your head in disbelief, but the truth is that everything you have learned or been told in your lifetime has been slanted or distorted to fit an agenda. It's the way they keep the populace under control. You have been programed to believe the lies. It's hard not to when the lies and half-truths are bombarding our brains daily. Do you want to continue to be controlled or are you ready to think for yourselves? We must restore a reverence for the principles of liberty underlying the U.S. Constitution in the minds of enough Americans to tip our country back toward limited constitutional government. Those who understand the importance of the Constitution to liberty will defend it. Those who don’t, won’t. - Editor: M. Richard Maxson - Contributors: George Sontag, Zeno Potas, and Phillip Todd.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Who are the Mercenaries participating in the Ukraine?

 What the Elite Don't Want You to Know - Part 2


        Phillip Todd


"I declare to those who would watch this information.......I declare it openly and I know it for a fact......that this is a direct occupation by the United States through figureheads". - Ukrainian General-Colonel Yan Kazemirovich


    During clashes between Ukrainian anti-government protesters and riot police some 20 police officers and over 100 protesters were killed. The majority were victims of the February 20, 2014, incident in which unidentified snipers started shooting on both sides of Independence Square and adjacent Instituskaya Street. These shooters were falsely identified as pro-government police even though the snipers were also shooting at both sides. They were, in fact, mercenaries hired by the CIA to "stimulate" regime change. The mass killings were the tipping point of the 2014 Maidan protest, escalating the already violent confrontation into an armed coup.   No one has been prosecuted for these crimes and over a year after "so-called"unidentified snipers gunned down dozens of protesters and police officers in central Kiev, the post-coup government rejects evidence that alleges outsider involvement in the crimes.

      The truth is based on a fact and that is that the United States no longer wages war as it has historically done. That is to say, to get around international law, proxies are hired to do the dirty work, the illegal war crime type of work to achieve their desired ends. The  U.S. Congress would not authorize the direct participation of American troops in the armed conflict in Ukraine. However, the National Service of Covert Operations can bypass the lawmakers through channels such as private insurance company Brower, belonging to the CIA. It can
provide large-scale military aid to other countries using its operatives and employees of private military contractors. Mercenaries are hired by firms such as the infamous Blackwater - founded in 1997 by former U.S. Navy SEAL Erik Prince and were one of several private security firms employed by the U.S. government to protect its diplomatic missions overseas. As well as acting as security contractors, Blackwater are seen by some as a private army that can promote U.S. interests without official military involvement.

      With the outbreak of the Iraq war in 2003 the company's operations expanded and its revenue mushroomed, but a string of controversial killings by its personnel,  especially its
involvement in the murder of 17 Iraqis in Nisour Square, Baghdad, in 2007. led to a name change, first to Xe and then to Academi, its current name. Greystone Limited, is another which is integrated with the Academi corporation. These entities form a private army, whose employees have repeatedly been accused of committing grievous and systematic human rights abuses in different troubled regions.” These are soldiers of fortune proficient in combat operations. Most of them had operated under private contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan and other states,' Interfax reported. It did not disclose the nationalities of the mercenaries but a Ukrainian diplomat stated, "Most of them come from the United States". Academi’s board of directors includes former Attorney General John Ashcroft, Bobby Ray Inman, the former director of the NSA, and the company’s CEO is a retired Brigadier General, Craig Nixon.

      This week the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported on 400 U.S. mercenaries are working with the junta government in Ukraine to suppress opposition to the coup in the eastern part of the country. The newspaper said the for-profit mercenaries are actively participating in the effort to eliminate anti-coup activists in Slavyansk and possibly other areas in the Donetsk region. 
In March, it was reported of the presence of Greystone mercenaries in Donetsk. The mercenaries were “soldiers of fortune proficient in combat operations,” a diplomatic source told Interfax, according to the Daily Mail. “Most of them had operated under private contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan and other states. Most of them come from the United States. On the face of it, the uniforms of the people in the videos are consistent with US mercs - they don't look like Russian soldiers mercs". 

      The overwhelming evidence of this coup was put on record on 27 January 2015, by a courageous member of Ukraine’s parliament, Oleg TsarevThis is a parliamentary speech, in which he said,

  "In my role as a representative of the Ukrainian people, activists from the Volya Public Organization turned to me, providing clear evidence that within our country, with support and direct participation of the US Embassy in Kiev, aTechCamp” project is under way in which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine. The “TechCamp” project prepares specialists for information warfare and for the discrediting of state institutions [the
Government] using modern media — potential revolutionaries for organizing and the toppling of the Government. 

       This project is overseen by and currently under the responsibility of the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt. After the conversation with the Volya Organization, I learned that they actually succeeded to access facilities in the “TechCamp” project [they had hacked into it] disguised as a team of IT specialists. To their surprise, were found briefings that were held on peculiarities of modern media. American instructors explained there how social networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion as well as to activate potential protest to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine — radicalization of the population, and triggering of infighting. American instructors show examples of
successful use of social networks to organize protests in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
 “Tech Camp” representatives currently hold conferences throughout Ukraine. A total of five events have been held so far. About 300 people have been trained as operatives, who are now active throughout Ukraine. The last conference took place on 14 and 14 November 2013, in the heart of Kiev, inside the US Embassy! You tell me which country in the world would allow an NGO to operate out of the US Embassy? This is disrespectful to the Ukrainian Government, and against the Ukrainian people! I thus appeal to the
constitutional authorities of Ukraine with the following question: Is it conceivable that representatives of the US Embassy who organize theTechCamp” conferences misuse their diplomatic immunity? A UN Resolution of 21 December 1965 regulates inadmissibility of interference in the internal “affairs of any State, and protects its independence and sovereignty. I urge that there be an official investigation into this matter."

Next - Why?

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