M. Richard Maxson
*Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.(Webster)
It is the everyday tool used by the Socialist Left to continue their domination of Western societies.If you listen to their sentences, the speech of the Left can be at times
befuddling unless you understand their unique usage of terms. So that
you may better understand Leftist doublespeak in the future, For your preparation in translating we offer the
following glossary. These are
some of the more common and/or more recent examples. You might want to
print this and keep it on-hand for those times when you are unable to
avoid Leftist doublespeak, which
in today's world, is all of the time.
It is Progressive in nature and anti-American in context.
A Glossary of Terms
Leftist / Progressive, Socialist, Marxist, etc.. Example:
Republicans regularly work with Domocrats on "Bi-Partisain" legislation.
(Also see Moderate)
Budget Cut: A massive government spending increase that could have been even larger if not for the "Divisiveness" in our society.
Change: Socialism. Example: "I am the candidate of 'Change'."
Children: Government. (Variations are, "The Children" and "Our Children") Example: "In our 'Compassion' 'We'
are creating this new entitlement program for 'Our Children'." Or;
"This new national RFID implant system will help 'Our Children'.
Climate Change: See "Global Warming".
Climate change is slightly more flexible in that no matter what
happens, it is bad, Liberty is to blame, and socialism, as for all
things, is the solution.
Compassion: Deep, warm, heartfelt desire for government intervention against one's neighbors. Example: "'We' must approach all issues with great 'Compassion'."
Compassionate Conservative: 1.
(reader submitted) A concept used to allow the government to invade all
aspects of life through increased "Resource Allocation" while invoking
religious tolerance as a means to garner support. 2. A "Progressive"
who has infiltrated the Republican Party so as to garner votes from
those who want to destroy the Republican Party as an effective
alternative to "Progressive" politics. The majority of Republicans are "Compassionate Conservatives".
Letting go of your silly, ignorant and outdated American ideals of
Liberty, and moving always in the direction of pure socialism as a way
of showing those who want to destroy you that you are not closed-minded,
stubborn, silly, ignorant or outdated. You are then closed-minded,
stubborn, silly, ignorant and outdated again when the Left wants you to
cave-in the next time they want something, which starts approximately
three seconds after you last caved.
Conservative: Often thought of as an antonym to "Liberal", it is akin to "Liberal"
in the sense that the word cannot be use correctly without qualifiers.
To the Left however, it is clearly a dirty word, used to describe a
racist, sexist, bigoted, white-trash homophobe who wants to dirty the
air, dirty the water, spoil the planet, oppress the working class,
torture animals, ruin America's global reputation, start wars, starve
"Children" and kick old people out into the streets with no food or
medicine, all as a means of self-enrichment. Conservatives with dark
skin are especially mind-boggling and egregious creatures, and no "Progressive"
can afford to acknowledge their existence without resorting to the "U"
term (Uncle Tom), as they consider a dark skin color to be synonymous
with a "Progressive" political orientation. (Archaic: One who advocates, or is reticent to depart from, the status-quo.)
Victim-- especially a victim of the exploitative middle and upper
classes. (No one would ever do anything to hurt anyone else, except
when goaded into it by the horrible conditions created by the adherents
of "Capitalism")
Dissent is a very, very good thing. It is one of the few things
worthwhile about America (so long as we are talking about a leftist
dissenting with anyone who favors Liberty. In all other cases, see "Divisiveness" below).
Speaking ill of or disagreeing with socialists or socialism.
Divisiveness is one of the worst things in our society today and is
largely perpetrated in talk radio, blogs, private conversations, etc.,
by members of the pig Bourgeoisie. This can be cause for legal action
since it could in theory cause other people to question socialists and
socialism and thereby harming the Left or a Leftist. (You have no right
to harm another person unless that person is being 'Divisive', in which
case it is encouraged). (also see "Partisanship")
Used by itself, the word "Education" refers only to public education,
i.e. a government-run, coercively funded system of socialist
indoctrination. Example: "'We' must 'Invest' in 'Education' for the sake of 'Our Children's'
future. Any other form of teaching must be identified using
qualifiers, as in, "Private Education", which refers to a system of
promoting "Divisiveness" and "Intolerance".
Fascist: 1. Opposition to the "Progressive"
theories of the Left. Interestingly, since the Fascisti were dedicated
Marxists, "Fascist" in Leftspeak applies to anything or anyone that is
anti-Fascist, which is to say that the word "Fascist", as many other
words in Leftspeak, has the exact opposite meaning from the same word
spoken in English. 2. A person who opposes Fascism/socialism/totalitarianism.
"President Ronald Reagan was a 'Fascist'".
In its base meaning; if an average Leftist wants to order a veggie
pizza, and you and your friend want a combo pizza, and therefore out
vote the Leftist on the pizza order for the fraternity party, it means
that you and your friend "...are 'Fascists', Man! That's just tewwtally
wrooong, dude!")
In the mind of the average Leftist "Fascism" means something
akin to "distasteful". In the mind of the more sophisticated Leftist,
"Fascist" means "politically distasteful" or "one who is politically at
odds with the Left" and is used to describe anything or anyone the
Leftist sees as a threat to his Fascist beliefs, anyone and anything the
leftist hates, or anyone with whom the Leftist disagrees (no Leftist is
capable of understanding the fact that "Fascists" and Leftists comprise
pretty much the exact same set of people. World history escapes the
Leftist entirely, notwithstanding).
3. Republican
Fear Monger:
One who disagrees with socialists or socialism. Specifically, one who
tries to warn others about the dangers of socialism and the attendant
loss of Liberty. When the left warns us that Liberty would cause the
destruction of the entire planet, they are not "Fear Mongering" because
they are motivated only by "Compassion". If you disagree with them, saying that, for example, self defense is a human right, you are paranoid and/or a "Fear Monger".
Fifty Caliber Rifle:
The most powerful and terrifying weapon ever devised by the sick mind
of man, possessing magical powers of self-will, with wanton mass
destruction as its goal, able to take down a jumbo jet, for example,
from several miles away with a single shot. No human other than a
sadistic murder ever used, wanted, or was even slightly interested in, a
"Fifty Caliber Rifle". Due to tragic and inexcusable inaction on the
part of legislators, and due to inordinate influence of the merchants of
death (the NRA and their henchmen in the gun industry) billions of
hardened criminals now legally buy, sell, trade and stockpile "Fifty
Caliber Rifles" and are at this very moment poised, looking through the
sights of their "Fifty Caliber Rifles", ready to annihilate with a
single trigger squeeze, anything that annoys them, or anyone who
disagrees with them who is unfortunate enough to hazard to within a ten
mile radius of one of these monster killers. Trillions of people,
mostly children in kindergartens, are killed every day by "Fifty Caliber
Rifles" sold to criminals by illegal gun dealers at gun shows. The NRA
celebrates each of these deaths by passing out cigars, brandy,
100-dollar bills and cheap handguns to pre-schoolers.
First Amendment: (see "Unity")
Leftists acknowledge the speech clause in the "First Amendment" as
critically important, but only for themselves. The religion clause
grants "Progressives"
the power to ban religious practices or religious symbols they find
offensive (though they don't find radicalized Islam even slightly
offensive). The "First Amendment" is highly flexible. For instance it
does not protect "Divisiveness" in any way whatever, since "Divisiveness" is an obstacle to "Unity" and "Fairness".
Fiscal Responsibility:
Confiscating other people's money and spending it for your personal
aggrandizement like there's no tomorrow while demanding appreciation and
thanks for the fact that you could be doing more of it. Example: "If elected, I promise "Change" and will demand 'Fiscal Responsibility' from Congress."
Global Community:
Most of the population of the world lives under some form of
socialist tyranny, often very brutal socialist tyranny. Americans have
historically lived much better lives due to our relatively higher levels
of freedom and Liberty. For this we are to hate America (if anyone is
poor or unhappy, it can only be the willful doing of the more
prosperous) and we are to strive to make America more like the rest of
the world (poor and oppressed) as a show of solidarity, thus achieving
the "Global Community" and gaining "Respect" from around the world (also see "Peace").
Striving to produce valuable products and services for one's fellow
man, and deliver them through peaceable, voluntary exchange, as the
means of elevating one's standard of living and/or satisfying one's
self-interests. (see "Judgmentalism" and "Reason") To the Left, "Greed" is responsible for all the evils of the world, and should be tempered with much "Compassion".
Hate: Expressions of disagreement with "Progressives". Archaic;
Disapproval of other peoples based on race, color, creed, etc..
Bigotry. (Apparently, disapproval of one's political views now
constitutes bigotry, but only if such disapproval is directed at
Illegal Immigration: A thoroughly meaningless term invented by racists as a means of justifying racist legislation. Attempting to use "Reason" to explain it will reinforce your status as a racist.
Thinking for one's self in one's self-interest, i.e. making decisions
or value judgments based on principles, evidence, and rational thought.
In the eyes of the Left, this is one of worst crimes that could be
committed, especially if it results in your becoming a successful
American pig. The "ism" is tagged on to indicate that it is to be
viewed as an organized culture or movement. (also see "Reason")
Socialist. However, this is an impossible term to use correctly
without adding qualifiers. Most liberals hate being called liberals and
accordingly use this term very rarely. "Liberal" has become an epithet
in the eyes of the socialist, either because it implies that one is an
advocate of Liberty, which socialists aren't, or because it correctly
describes the person as socialist. No one knows for sure which.
(Archaic: One who advocates Liberty. Thomas Jefferson would have
considered himself a liberal. Today's liberals would consider Thomas
Jefferson a "Judgmental" and "Divisive" pig. If he were president, they would engage in "Dissent" with a vengeance.
Liberty. Example: "There are too many 'Loopholes' in our legal
system." "Gun owners take advantage of the large number of inexcusable
'Loopholes'" etc..
Make A Difference:
Use Obfuscation and deception to justify further initiation of force.
Example: "I'm majoring in journalism because I want to be able to
'Make A Difference'."
A leftist/socialist (in denial). When a leftist wants to be perceived
favorably, he'll claim the label "Moderate" so as to lend some degree of
credibility to his radical, anti-rights, anti-American position.
Example; "As a moderate, my new trillion-dollar government expansion
bill has several "Bi-Partisan" elements, including carbon emission limits and increased spending to help with the development of "Our Children".
My uncanny ability to reach across the isle has made this fantastic
bill possible, and will ensure its passage in the Senate."
Multi-Cultural (reader submitted): 1. Any culture but American culture, i.e. anti-American. The term is used to indicate to other "Progressives"
that the speaker believes the Judeo-Christian and capitalist basis of
America must be over-ridden with cultures from every unsuccessful
backwater on the planet, thereby delivering us into a "Global Community".
2. Tofu, yogurt, cheese, etc., or white mold and green mold, in the same dish.
This wonderfully flexible term can mean anything the socialist wants it
to mean and can change from one instant to another. Example: "You have
more than you 'Need' so 'We' are going to take it from you and use it for 'Education' and 'Safety' programs that will help with the continued development of 'Our Children'." Leftists continually fantasize about installing themselves as the "Need" police.
Open Mind: One that unquestioningly embraces socialism as the answer to all things. Example: "'We' must keep an 'Open Mind' when considering economic and social policy."
The lack of meaningful opposition to socialist, Marxist, Fascist,
communist or jihadist military expansionism. Example: "It's time to
stand up and fight for 'Peace'". Also see "Unity".
Poor: Someone with less than me who also shares my "Progressive" political views. "Poor" people are a great asset to the Progressive, as they can be paraded in front of cameras at election time as "Victims" of the nasty and dirty capitalists. Someone with less than me who has political views at odds with mine is a stupid, ignorant, backwater hick/hayseed/drunk/yahoo, and probably a "Racist" and a wife beater, who deserves his lower station in life.
Private Property: This is a confusing term to the Left, usually considered a nasty or insulting term. "Greedy" people use it in an attempt to hurt the feelings, or thwart the "Compassion"-inspired activities of Leftists. If a Leftist were to use the term at all it would usually mean; "That for which 'We' have no 'Need'
at the moment". A leftist will occasionally slip up and assert his own
"Private Property" rights. This is not to be seen as hypocritical as
Leftists are never "Greedy".
Probably the filthiest term in Left-Speak, "Profit" defines value that
is stolen from unsuspecting victims of innovation and productivity, and
then hoarded for the purpose of toying with the less fortunate as a
means of entertainment. The theft takes place through peaceable,
voluntary exchange and as such it is the worst form of acquisition
imaginable. Properly, acquisition is accomplished either through
legislation which threatens the producer with fines or jail sentences,
or by way of government subsidy using resources so acquired. "Profit"
is always to be pronounced in a spitting, contemptuous, accusing,
hateful manner. "Profit" is one of the primary goals of "Greedy" and "Divisive" people and would be illegal if not for a conspiracy of "Special Interests".
Socialist. It was once widely believed that progress was that which
improved our productivity potential, opportunity and standard of living.
In Left-Speak it means a return to the
statist/totalitarian/collectivist systems under which people have
suffered for thousands of years. Like many of the terms they use, the
Left has turned this one around exactly 180 degrees.
Proof: Anything a "Progressive" believes. "Proof" then directly reinforces everything else that a "Progressive" believes.
Interestingly (and perhaps fittingly) in computer programming this
is known as an "infinite loop" and it typically locks up the program,
causing it to reject any and all further input.
To redistribute or allocate resources that have been extorted from the
productive members of a society, giving it to the less productive and
the non productive. Example: "'We' must 'Provide' for the General Welfare by ensuring affordable housing for the masses, yap yap yap yap, yapitty yap yap."
Race: This is the first and last thing that a Leftist needs to known about a person. Belonging to a non-white race denotes either "Progressive" thinking, or status as an "Uncle Tom"--
one or the other. Though there are several races that could be termed
"white" they are all considered as one, they are almost certainly
"Racists" until proven otherwise.
Anyone who has decided that individuals should be judged not by the
color of their skin but by the content of their character, i.e. one who
does not consider one's race as that person's primary identity
factor. Failing to recognize the victim status (the aggrieved status
and therefore the legally and socially entitled status) of an individual
based purely on race is in itself an act of racist oppression (this
typically applies only to black or brown races-- people of other colors
are usually exempt from this rule unless they demand otherwise).
"Racist" is yet another term that has been flipped upside-down in
Left-Speak. (Archaic: One who judges people's character or worthiness
based on the color of their skin)
This word is not used by the Left except when describing it as a
"weapon" used against the oppressed classes. Instead, they use the word
"Reasonable" as in "Reasonable restrictions" (any restrictions) on your
Liberties (see "Compromise" above and learn to be "Reasonable").
Resource Allocation:
The primary purpose of government. The only legitimate "Resource
Allocation" is via coercion and extortion. Any other method of Resource
Allocation, such as reason and cooperation, constitutes "Greed" and should be discouraged.
Rich: Better off than someone else and having achieved this status by your own efforts without
the involvement of socialists or socialism. Being "Rich" is (or should
be) in and of itself, a criminal offense, placing the perpetrator
outside the normal protections of the law. (also see "Uncle Tom")
Existence under strict government oversight and control. Some
examples are "Airline Safety", "School Safety", "Home Safety", "Gun
Safety", "Workplace Safety", etc.. Example: "It is the job of our
elected officials to ensure our continued 'Safety'".
Scientist: Increasingly, this term is used to silence all discussion, debate, and especially "Divisiveness".
In this sense, a "Scientist" is one who is enlisted by government
interests to place a stamp of approval, under the guise of
irrefutability, on socialist programs or laws. Example: "Any
legitimate 'Scientist' will tell you that man-made 'Global Warming' is a clear and present danger, and that our 'Safety' must be ensured through swift legislative action in cooperation with the 'Global Community'."
Previously, the term "Clergyman" or "God" served a similar purpose,
and does so to this day in certain Muslim circles. (Archaic: A person
engaged in the scientific process, with full disclosure and peer review,
as a means of testing theories and discovering knowledge)
Second Amendment: 1.
A piece of irrelevant gibberish written by foolish, old, dead, white,
violent, rum-running, tax-dodging, paternalistic slave-owners who
wouldn't understand anything about our modern "Global Community"
if they saw it first-hand (since repealed by U.S. vs. Miller). It
wouldn't apply in today's modern world even if it had any original
purpose or meaning, which it didn't. The "Second Amendment" is invoked
today only by violent, ignorant, alcoholic, backwoods, gun-happy,
sister-humping, neo-Nazi, hate-mongering, anti-government, hairy-backed,
crooked-tooth, smelly, white Neanderthals who love destruction and
killing as a means of showing their dominance, compensating for their
pathetically inadequate sexual prowess and distracting themselves from
their own stupidity and illiteracy, or by those who profit from selling
the tools of death and destruction to the former. 2. An important
article in the Bill of Rights granting the government absolute
authority and control over any form of weapon. Senses 1 and 2 may be
used interchangeably, or even simultaneously, as desired, without
hypocrisy. However, a Leftist would rather never mention, or be
bothered with any mention of, the "Second Amendment". Like speaking to a
jihadist about Jews, mentioning "The Second Amendment" to members of
the Left makes them extremely nervous and can throw them into fits of
uncontrollable rage (though this can be richly entertaining).
Thinking of or acting upon that which is in one's interest, or in the
interest of one's family, friends, business, etc.. Because
"Selfishness" is a bad thing, we must be forced by those in government
(who are most wise) into anything and everything that is contrary to our
interests. Only through the constant, pro-active and creative
initiation of force, then, can we be rid of "selfishness" in the world.
Also see "Greed".
A person with a firearm or access to a firearm. (This term, as all
others used by the Left, is entirely flexible and is used primarily to
denigrate or impugn anyone who owns a gun or has a working knowledge of
Special Interest:
Any person, group or influence, especially political influence, with
which Leftists disagree. "Special Interests" operate only through "Loopholes" that result from an unfortunate and inexcusable absence of legal restrictions.
Sustainable: Under never-ending, complete government control. Examples: "A market-based economy is not 'Sustainable'." "'We' must strive for 'Sustainable' 'Resource Allocation'" etc., ad nauseum.
The People: The government. Example: "...the right of 'The People' to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The free and unopposed reign of socialists and socialism. Failure to
tolerate socialists and socialism is something that should not, and will
not, be tolerated.
Uncle Tom: Any American having even the slightest recognizable black African ancestry who is not a lock-step "Progressive", i.e. a "Judgmental" dark-skinned American. Example: Clarence Thomas, having been indoctrinated in "Divisiveness" and being incapable of "Tolerance",
is an "Uncle Tom" and is therefore the lowest form of vile scum on the
planet. (Archaic: A slave who worked in favor of the slave-owner and
against fellow slaves.)
Unity: Similar to "Peace",
unity describes a situation in which all opposition to socialists and
socialism has been effectively silenced. Whereas "Peace" describes a
lack of military opposition, "Unity" describes a lack of opposing views
in the media, in politics, or in personal interactions.
Universal Health Care:
Socialized medicine, i.e. socialism. Specifically, a means by which
you would be obliged to support or tolerate a certain political party or
doctrine in order to save your very life.
Everyone and everything within the sphere of human influence.
Capitalists are victims because they never know what it's like to be
"Compassionate" or to even live. Everyone and everything else is a
victim of the capitalists. Nothing in life is more precious than to
have achieved the highest levels of victimhood, and to have thus
garnered the fawning attention and the tearful, gushing "Compassion" of the "Progressives" in the national media so as to win the opportunity to pin the blame for your suffering on capitalists and capitalism.
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